Through education the indigenous people develop into effective leaders and productive members of their community and country and are able to improve their socio economic status and enhance their culture to competently deal with complex situations in the future.
To provide system of relevant knowledge , skills and values to develop the indigenous youth to be self-reliant, self -sufficient , analytical and creative in seeking ways to improve the quality of life to their families indigenous communities and the country.
1. To promote an alternative learning system for secondary education that enhance intellectual capacity and growth;and to reinforce their collective pride identity as indigenous people capable of taking an active role in shaping the country's future.
2. To provide various knowledge and skills on alternative farming i.e scientific , innovative, systematic and sustainable and to integrate into these and various areas of livelihood development.
3.To conduct relevant educational activities among parents and members of indigenous communities to contribute to their self-organization and cultural identity.

Alternative Learning Center for Agricultural and Livelihood Development, Inc. (ALCADEV)
Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation (MISFI)
It envisions a society free from social inequities, poverty and foreign aggression and a society working towards total human liberation where people are able to live out their full potentials and aspiration, exercise their faith freely and work as responsible builders of wealth and progress;
“MIPC is an aggrupation of non-government nationalist development organizations and people’s organizations in Mindanao that acts as a service institution committed to the Mindanao tri-people poor of Lumads, Moro and lowland communities through various capacity, conscious of the interfaith dimension of social development work."
1. To realize liberating entho-linguistic heritage and aspirations of Mindanao’s tri-people: poor Moro, Lumad and majority Filipino;
2. To develop homegrown solidarity groups of grassroots sectors – farmers, semi-skilled seasonal workes, urban poort and lowly professionals; and
3. To strengthen international relations that facilitate the creation of mechanisms of support for the tri-people poor’s needs, responses and rights assertion.
Tribal Filipino Program of Surigao del Sur,Inc-NGO (TRIFPSS,Inc.-NGO)
It envisions a community of indigenous people(Lumads) enjoying the fruit of their effort in their struggle for Right to self-determination and ancestral domain.
• promote the enhancement of the knowledge and capabilities of the indigenous peoples by providing education and training programs that answers their needs;
• contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic, political and cultural lives of the indigenous people(lumad) as well as the bio-physical environment by facilitating their access to productive resources and basic services;
• support the indigenous peoples aspiration to determine their own destiny through organizing themselves for economic, political and cultural improvement that is suited to their way of life.
• strengthen the existing indigenous people formation as structures for their participation in governance and management over their ancestral domain;
• sustain the efficiency and effectiveness of the institution in performing its assumed mission, constant sharing of experiences through staff development is practiced and community consultations are conducted.
Science and Alternative Livelihood for Rural Development (SALT-RD)
Center for Lumad Advocacy & Services, Inc. (CLANS)
Farmers Learning Center (FLC)
People's Initiatives for Climate Change Network (People ICAN)
Alliance for Genuine Democracy - Socksargends (AGD)